Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th and boys

The Fourth of July is a greatly loved holiday at my house. My dad has always loved setting off fireworks and eating ice cream with friends and family. Homemade ice cream, that is. This year, for the first time, we used a hand crank machine instead of our electric (someone broke it...) I had the best job with the hand crank machine, I had to sit on it so it wouldn't move around while everyone else was cranking. haha Then we lit off some fun fireworks in the backyard followed by spinning things and smoke bombs in front of the house in the street. The kids (me, em, matt, davis, & rob) went down to the street by george's house where they lit off some roman candles. George came out "What are you doing? You better not set anything on fire. I'm calling the cops if you don't go away. I am calling them right now. Hurry." So then we walked away, then past my house because he was watching, then back to my house and inside. He called my house a few minutes later, warning us that there were people out front setting off fireworks. haha

So they say, boys will be boys. Well, I do not know how true that is. One of the boys, A, got his bike switched around and boy B fell over and bumped his forehead. Then C yelled at A for hurting B, and A then hit C in the face. A comes into the house screaming and crying and locks us outside. Finally B gets inside and talks to A. He says "A, it was not your fault, C just needed someone to blame for me getting hurt. You did not do anything wrong, it was just an accident." It was so cute. B is the oldest at 11 and A is the youngest at 5, he was totally taking care of his friend (they are not brothers).

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