Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Quirky facts about chemistry

These are my favorite 3 of the 7 listed "facts" about chemistry in a msn online article. They are about dating, so each number corresponds to a way that you and your partner would interact or something....

[1. Like go-get-’em types? Look for a long fourth finger. Here’s why: If your date’s ring finger is longer than his or her index finger, it’s an indication that he or she was exposed to higher than average amounts of testosterone in the womb, says Dr. John T. Manning of Rutgers University in his book Digit Ratio. This correlates to a personality which tends to be logical, decisive, and ambitious. If these traits tickle your fancy, stick around. ]

I have this trait. Is this why I am manly? I refer back to my freshman year nickname of Mangan... and Joe Nervis used to call me Megaman... punk. But I wonder how true this really is? Check your ring and index finger to see if you fit this. Let me know if this is or is not true for you.

[4. Don’t let your married friends weigh in on your love life. Think your hitched pals can help you detect good chemistry with a date? Um, no… Science has revealed that your married friends are clueless when they try to give you dating advice. In one study, psychologist Frank Bernieri asked 168 subjects to watch video clips of couples and rate how in love they were. Subjects who were in relationships guessed wrong again and again compared to their single peers. So the next time your friend with the rock on her finger waxes poetic on the intricacies of your love life, smile serenely and then get a second opinion. ]

Not sure if I agree with this... my plan was to ask married couples for their advice...

[5. There’s such a thing as “Pill goggles.” Consider these the first cousin to beer goggles—if you’re taking the birth-control pill, ladies, your taste in men may take a turn. That’s because birth control pills affect women’s hormone levels and to whom they are attracted. In one study, researcher Tony Little showed women different images of men and asked them to make their picks. Results show that women on birth control pills tended to choose men with more pronounced masculine features than those who weren’t on the Pill. The downside here? These manly traits are linked to high testosterone levels, aggressive behavior, and even higher divorce rates. So if you’re on the Pill, don’t turn a blind eye to those red flags… your contraception could cloud your judgment and lead you to fall for a less-than-wonderful guy.]

I really makes me laugh that they coined the phrase "pill goggles." This is not something that I learned in human sexuality. However I did learn that when women were menstruating or ovulating they were attracted to more masculine men. The "scientific" reason for this is that those men would have superior genes and their offspring would be more likely to be successful. And women are always subconsciously trying to find the best genes for their children. (see men can shoot out as much sperm as they want, but women have to wait about 9 months for the child.... so men can impregnante whoever they want to get a really good chance of having lots of offspring, but women need to be more selective because they actually have to carry and birth the baby... make any sense at all?) I have been on birth control for about 3 years, because of acne, but I have not noticed a strong preference for masculine men. Although, I have never had a thing for skinny guys, my men need to have muscles. And Matt, well he does have a pronounced jawline which is a strong trait of masculine men... although I do not think he is move aggressive than the next guy, and he will not be getting a divorce. I need to call him and discuss this new finding of pill goggles with him. haha

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