Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Friday, June 22, 2007

amusement park rides

Are lethal. I just heard a story on the radio about a girl who got her feet chopped off on a ride at a Six Flags back east. So scary. However, I have searched for the article and have not found it. But I did find a listing of all theme park injuries for the year 2004. I was happy to find that about 90% were from Carnival or Fair rides. Which is why I usually stay away from those! I have always been scared of the teetering metal rides at the fair. It just does not seem safe to have a ride which you can fold up and drive away in a few hours. i have always been a little wary about rides, but this just ups it for me.

However I heard this from the same radio station that told me yesterday that a woman had fallen into a cement mixer, was poured, and lived. I thought it was funny, and even shared the story at the bid opening that I was at. They did not believe me. That is when I began to doubt this news source(KFROG radio station). Thankfully, I found the article today! Let me know what you think about the drunken Russian woman falling into the cement mixer.


lauren said...

how do you think they got her clean?

Megan said...

um well her clothes were weighing her down, so hopefully most was on her clothes. then they just had to pick it off little by little

Anonymous said...

Reuters usually has a pretty cool "oddly enough" section.