Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

tap water

I grew up drinking tap water daily. There was no such thing as a brita filter in my house, or anyone i was related to, for that matter. Some people in San Leandro had the filtered water in their fridge, but it was mostly for ice and the cold factor. I loved EBMUD (East Bay Municipal Utilities District) water, apparently it is one of the best quality waters in... umm... everywhere!? I also drank the water at the University of Redlands. While it was not fantastic, I was not a sucker who used Brita pitchers and paid high bucks for bottles (unless using debit dollars, because then it was practically free). But last night I got a nice glass of tap from the bathroom sink, drank about half of it, and then spat out the disgusting taste in my mouth. Redlands water on this side of town is disgusting. I am now a Brita user (mostly because D bought a Brita) and I greatly miss San Leandro water. Stupid Redlands.

Matt came to visit the bay, and the good tap water, a few weekends ago. Here are a few pictures. First is our best impression of a seal face, while watching the seals off of Pier 39.

Next we have a lovely display of taffy love, I still have a few pieces left, which get me through the workday and remind me of my beautiful city by the bay.

And lastly a funny picture of us as we walked down from the presidio viewpoint of the Golden Gate


Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the taste tests where tap water is chosen over the bottled? I saw it on 20/20 and/or Dateline. And also, I feel like no one cared about bottled water or filters when we were little.

Anonymous said...

And also, I'm sad at work because I have eaten all my taffy. Boo.

lauren said...

we dont have east bay mud water in dublin. i had it in san ramon, those were the good ol days. its funny to me when people from dublin/pleasanton are in san ramon how they are so nervous about the tap water.