Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I have been on campus at the U of R all week. Yes, I am that kid. That does not leave college. BUT... I have a purpose. And a reason for being on campus a lot. Some of us at Praxis have decided to be a lot more purposeful with how we are on campus and want to make an impact. Even though I am no longer a student, my heart still goes out to college students. So we have been giving out otter pops just so that people get to know us and realize we are not a cult. (I actually said that on Sunday. "Um so what is this praxis?" me- "well we are not a cult (big sign of relief from the girl) we are the college ministry of trinity church" "Ooohh" haha)

But today would be my first day of classes back at the U. Last semester I showed up 30 minutes late for a class because I read the schedule wrong. oh well. At least the teacher and I are tight. haha But my heart is still confused. It wants to go to class. I want to be sitting in with 20 other students and learning. But I am stuck in an office working. 17 years of professional learning and now it is over. I will have to find other ways to learn (msn news and cnn are great!). my goal for the year is to look at a person and figure out how much electricity they use. So I can split up bills fairly. Because many people waste electricity. (I am guilty sometimes).


krista said...

i totally feel ya on this one. i am a school addict too. you will find other ways to use your passion and enjoy your homework-less days and nights :)

lauren said...

i'm eating some peffermintz right now and its delightful. what kind would you like me to bring home for you?
and i'd love to web chat with you. its a little complicated because my internet in the office sucks but we can work it out.

lauren said...

how do you look at someone and figure out how much electricity they use?