Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Monday, December 26, 2005

My family is crazy

First, Emily and I were called old ladies all night, because we were crocheting. I think they were all just jeaolus of my mad crochet skills....

But at breakfast our parents started remembering stories of their years in Emeryville. Now Emeryville, well this city really had some ghetto parts. And our parents lived in one of those parts, in some condos. So did about half of the people their age from the church as well. But we heard about some interesting characters. They had friends Snotty and Smitty (creative?) haha There was the hooker across the street from my parents. Starting at 10 o clock, a car would park, every hour on the hour. The hooker also had a 16 year old daughter and would let her throw parties. They would get a keg and charge people to get in. Let us see, there was also Red, the crazy hooker on the corner who had huge red hair and was toked up on heroin. She would stand in the middle of the street, so the cars would stop, and then go to the window and take whatever she could. There were a couple stories about the hookers on the corner who would try talking to my dad, because there was no to on his Carmen Gia (however you spell it) - little did they know he was on his way to church.

Both my mom and Katie were given offers to be "taken care of" by strange men. My mom's story is the best though. Some guy tried to sell her suntan oil, but she could only buy it if he put it on... dirty! haha

Oh the stories they tell around the table at Christmas!

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