Because apparently it is very hard. It is also hard to follow my speech. My hope is that this blog will give people a little bit of insight into how my mind works (very spatially). Enjoy! And comment if you visit, so I know who is leaving love!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

there's a snake in my boots

Actually, there is a drip in my ceiling. What a wonderful thing to wake up to, right? Wrong. I cannot remember there ever being a drippy ceiling in my house. So this came as a shock. Not to mention a worry. What was Dad going to say? Well, at least this was in no way my fault (like I would have gone on the roof and drilled a hole or something). Luckily, he was home. As I was putting a pot under, he came in. Then he got the ladder and searched through the crawl space. I was imagining him falling through the ceiling onto my floor, I have seen too many movies. During this time I was drying off the floor, water had splashed all over the floor of my study, and finding out a pot just wasn't good enough: the water dropped in and splashed all over the floor. So as Dad brought the ladder into my room to pop the bugger, I put my bro's garbage can under it. We drained it out and now it is just a slight leak again.

Here are some photos of the little bubble-like thing on my ceiling.

Now for a Close up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so funny
very cute